Learning disability on television
The campaign “Cultures on my street”
How many times have you walked down a street in your neighbourhood and wondered just how so many different people came to live together in this particular place? Everyone has a story. Now that the borders within Europe are fading, people from an even greater mix of cultures and backgrounds are coming together, mingling their voices in an ever growing dialogue of their unique stories and experiences.
The competition
As Europe grows together in its diversity, the European Commission challenges YOU to capture your vision of intercultural dialogue and share it with the world in the competition “Cultures on my street”. All European residents, regardless of age or origins, are invited to participate. It’s as easy as grabbing your camera and stepping outside the front door.
Your photo
Inspiration for the theme could be found in the fields of education, religion, migration, science, culture, minority groups or youth. And remember, there are no borders to your imagination, so feel free to explore the possibility of retouching and editing your photos, or making photo collages and montages.
Read more about How to Enter and the photo requirements
Voting and winning
Everyone who visits the official competition website has the chance to cast their vote for the photo they feel best captures the idea of Intercultural Dialogue. So after you’ve submitted your photos, tell all of your friends and family to check out your work ... and vote you to the top!
A jury made up of established artists, leaders on intercultural dialogue issues and representatives of the European Commission will also select three photographers, recognising the creativity and technical quality of the photos, as well as the photographers' ability to portray the theme of intercultural dialogue. The jury will review all submissions and select the winning entries at the end of June.
Read more on the Selection Process
The prizes
Your photos could be used in materials that will encourage people from different cultures across Europe to breakdown the barriers of communication and start a meaningful conversation. And did we mention that you could also win fabulous prizes?
Προχθές απόγευμα, μέσα στο λεωφορείο, κάπου στην Αθήνα...!!!!!! (DEN EINAI ANEKDOTO!)
Νεκρική σιγή αν και γεμάτο από κόσμο, μεταφέρει τους ταλαιπωρημένους από τη δουλειά Αθηναίους, αργά. Το ψιλόβροχο και τα κορναρίσματα, μάλλον χαλάνε τη διάθεση ασυνείδητα. Θέσεις πιασμένες, άνθρωποι όρθιοι, κουβέντα καμία.
Η όρθια ηλικιωμένη κυρία με το πλατινέ μαλλί και το ζωγραφισμένο από ρυτίδες και μπογιά πρόσωπο, παίρνει την απόφαση να εκδηλώσει τον αγενή και ρατσιστικό μονόλογο της. Δέκτης της ακραίας συμπεριφοράς της, ένας μετανάστης (πιθανότατα από τη Νιγηρία, κρίνοντας από το βαθύ σκούρο χρώμα του) του οποίου το δεύτερο «λάθος» -το πρώτο ήταν που ήρθε στην Ελλάδα- ήταν ότι είχε θέση και καθόταν. Με ένα «κόσμιο» λοιπόν τρόπο, η πρωταγωνίστρια της ιστορίας μας, του απευθύνει το λόγο.
- Σήκω να κάτσω!
- ...
- Ε, βέβαια! Αφού σας μαζέψαμε όλους εδώ, εμείς φταίμε!
- ...
- Κάνεις πως δεν ακούς? Τι δουλειά έχεις εδώ? Γέμισε ο τόπος από μαύρους και Αλβανούς! Σα δε ντρέπεστε λέω 'γω!
- ....
δίπλα από τον αλλοδαπό φίλο μας! Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη η ηλικιωμένη κυρία κάθεται ακριβώς δίπλα του και συνεχίζει ακάθεκτη να τον κοσμεί με διάφορα προσβλητικά επίθετα. Εκείνος δεν της δίνει καμιά απολύτως σημασία και την αφήνει να εκτίθεται με τον πιο απλό τρόπο.
προσδίδει άλλο ενδιαφέρον. Δύο ελεγκτές που ανεβαίνουν στο «ξεχωριστό» αυτό λεωφορείο θα γίνουν άθελα τους πρωταγωνιστές και αυτοί, στην περίεργη -ως προς την κατάληξη της- αυτή ιστορία.
δίνοντας χρόνο στους επιβάτες που κάθονται στη μέση να βρουν με την ησυχία τους το εισιτήριο ή να σκεφτούν μια καλή δικαιολογία (για αυτούς που δεν έχουν). Κάπου εκεί κάθονται και οι πρωταγωνιστές μας. Η ηλικιωμένη κυρία βγάζει με μιας το εισιτήριο από την άσχημη δερμάτινη τσάντα της και το κρατάει ψηλά λες και έκανε καμιά τρομερή ανακάλυψη! Χωρίς να το πολυσκεφτεί ο ακίνητος και αμίλητος -μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή- αλλοδαπός πρωταγωνιστής μας, βουτάει αστραπιαία το εισιτήριο της και το τρώει! Όλοι κοιτούν με έκπληξη αλλά και κρυφή ικανοποίηση. Ο επόμενος διάλογος μεταξύ του ελεγκτή και της κυρίας είναι όλα τα λεφτά.
- Μου το'φαγε ο Μαύρος!!! (με λυγμούς)
Η ιστορία του Δημάρχου...
«Δημιουργήσαμε τη σελίδα για να διευκολύνουμε τους οδηγούς ώστε να μην ψάχνουν ώρες ολόκληρες για κάποιο φθηνό πρατήριο. Είναι, άλλωστε, κι αυτό ένα είδος αλληλεγγύης. Παράλληλα όμως θέλαμε να ενημερωθεί το κοινό για την τιμή και την ποιότητα, αλλά και να ευαισθητοποιηθεί ο πολίτης για την ακρίβεια», λέει ο κ Μπαρσούμ, μέλος της διαδικτυακής σελίδας. «Κατάσκοποι» των πρατηρίων είναι τα περίπου 800 μέλη του site, που ενημερώνουν τους υπεύθυνους για τις τιμές που συναντούν. «Οι φίλοι της ιστοσελίδας στέλνουν σχεδόν καθημερινά μέσω του Διαδικτύου τις τιμές που βλέπουν στα πρατήρια». Η λίστα με τις τιμές των πιο φθηνών αλλά και πιο ακριβών πρατηρίων, πάντως, ανανεώνεται κάθε εβδομάδα.
Dogs trained to aid autistic kids
Now a campaign has been launched to raise £1m to provide specially trained dogs to help youngsters with the condition.
It is understood that the first child in mainland UK to receive one of the dogs was Joe from Dundee.
He was diagnosed with autism when he was two.
His mother, Paula Craik, said it was hard to cope.
She explained: "Joe was frustrated being in shops, noisy crowds, bright colours.
"He would get distressed and he would lash out."
"If you tried to hold his hand and walk down the street he refused, he didn't like the touch of your hand.
"He wanted to go another way and would bolt and you would have to run after him."
Ms Craik then heard about an organisation in Canada that had been successfully training dogs for youngsters with autism and was determined to find one for Joe.
She got in touch with the charity Support Dogs who agreed to help.
| Before people wouldn't approach us, because I assume they thought he was a bad behaved child Paula Craik |
Then after many months of searching, Joe was introduced to Lacey and after almost a year of training the Labrador moved in with the family.
Joe, who is now five, is attached to Lacey's harness and the dog is trained to make sure he cannot run into dangerous situations.
The family is also now able to go to the shops and to doctors', dentist and hospital appointments without Joe having an episode.
Joe's vocabulary has also improved - before he would only say and understand about 10 words, now he is learning Spanish.
Ms Craik also believes people are more willing to talk to Joe now he has Lacey.
Safety skills
She said: "Before people wouldn't approach us, because I assume they thought he was a badly behaved child.
"Now people will come up and look at Joe and he'll look at them in the face.
"They'll ask him questions like 'What's your dog's name?' and say 'What a special dog you have' and he responds.
"It may be in gibberish and they can't understand what he's saying, but the fact that he's responding, that's all that matters."
Three-year-old Lacey is about to embark on further training which will see her learn extra safety skills.
She will learn how to stand in front of him and push him back if she detects that he is in danger.
'Best friend'
Ms Craik has said that having Lacey around has allowed them to have a life, whereas before they did not.
She added: "I want to thank Support Dogs for giving us hope for Joe's future.
"Before it was very uncertain what kind of future he might have, whereas now we have hopes that he could lead a fairly normal life.
"Lacey is Joe's best friend."
Story from BBC NEWS:
By Denise Glass
Published: 2008/02/29 08:13:09 GMT
1º - To understand people I should listen to what they don’t say, or to what they might never be able to say.
2º- Only thro ugh material and emotional detachment I can feel free and safe.
3ª- Gestures reflect your deeper intentionsMy wisdom sounds like crazyness!I search for a way of integrating everything I’ve learned until today!I manage to reach inner peace and allow myself to see the best in every person.I manage to maintain this attitude.I’ve arrived to my inner center, to my essence.I structure my details, I embody my feelings and manage to reach the balance between thoughts and acts.A long path has led me to this precise precious moment.I have now the complete notion of my mission and to put it in practice.With my recent participation on F.L.Y – Facilitating Learning for youth Training Course in Czech Republic, I’ve discovered finally that everything I do became a mirror of who I am.
I was TOTALLY INVISIBLE and ABSOLUTELY PRESENT!I’ve felt a total plenitude of body-mind and spirit! I flied and felt the bearable lightness of my being!I reviewed myself through all persons there, I’ve found my posture in the way I face challenges, I let myself drowning in the tide of the good vibes.At the end of this experience I self assess:To be capable of focusing just on the positive, laughter has an absolutely astonishing creative potential.To be capable of framing my values, of developing a logic, of transforming my critical sense in understandable actions and behaviors in diverse ambiences and rhythms.
I’ve been NO-Body, and found out my VOICE and after all is SEXY! I intend to make it more audible!!!I’ll forever remember this wonderful feeling of self control, self-consciousness that led me to a pure feeling of FREEDOM and HAPPINESS!!!I found myself in the necessary state of mind to follow with my professional future. Very soon, more news about the House of Happiness – integrated education for sustainable lifestyles.
A special thanks to all FLIERS for your inspiration!
Postado por ana castanheira