

Since June 2006, after seriously initiating my spiritual journey, my perception of the world and the significance of life changed deeply. During the last one year and half I’ve been strugling to put together my knowledge, my different perspectives and beliefs and all the dimensions of who I was, who I am and who I want to be.I’ve always felt that:
1º - To understand people I should listen to what they don’t say, or to what they might never be able to say.
2º- Only thro ugh material and emotional detachment I can feel free and safe.
3ª- Gestures reflect your deeper intentionsMy wisdom sounds like crazyness!I search for a way of integrating everything I’ve learned until today!I manage to reach inner peace and allow myself to see the best in every person.I manage to maintain this attitude.I’ve arrived to my inner center, to my essence.I structure my details, I embody my feelings and manage to reach the balance between thoughts and acts.A long path has led me to this precise precious moment.I have now the complete notion of my mission and to put it in practice.With my recent participation on F.L.Y – Facilitating Learning for youth Training Course in Czech Republic, I’ve discovered finally that everything I do became a mirror of who I am.
I was TOTALLY INVISIBLE and ABSOLUTELY PRESENT!I’ve felt a total plenitude of body-mind and spirit! I flied and felt the bearable lightness of my being!I reviewed myself through all persons there, I’ve found my posture in the way I face challenges, I let myself drowning in the tide of the good vibes.At the end of this experience I self assess:To be capable of focusing just on the positive, laughter has an absolutely astonishing creative potential.To be capable of framing my values, of developing a logic, of transforming my critical sense in understandable actions and behaviors in diverse ambiences and rhythms.
I’ve been NO-Body, and found out my VOICE and after all is SEXY! I intend to make it more audible!!!I’ll forever remember this wonderful feeling of self control, self-consciousness that led me to a pure feeling of FREEDOM and HAPPINESS!!!I found myself in the necessary state of mind to follow with my professional future. Very soon, more news about the House of Happiness – integrated education for sustainable lifestyles.

A special thanks to all FLIERS for your inspiration!
Postado por ana castanheira