The programme "Building a Europe for and with children" is being implemented further to the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw 2005).
It is also a response to the Organisation's mandate to guarantee an integrated approach to promoting children's rights and the decision to launch a three-year programme covering the social, legal, educational and health dimensions relevant to protecting children from various forms of violence.
The programme comprises two closely related stands: the promotion of children's rights and the protection of children from violence.
The programme's main objective is to help all decisions makers and players concerned to design and implement national strategies for the protection of children's rights and the prevention of violence against children.
The key concepts of its working methods are "transversality", "integrated approach", "partnerships" and "communication". In fulfilling its objectives, the programme relies on the pooled resources of both the relevant Council of Europe bodies and institutions and its outside partners to obtain sustainable results.
web site: http://www.coe.int/t/transversalprojects/children/BriefDescription/Default_en.asp